Archaelogical Museum "Pompilio Bonvicini"
Piazza della Libertà, 1
63837 Falerone (FM)
0734.710750 - 333.5816389

The Falerone archaeological collection was started in 1777 and has expanded during the following centuries with the finds that came to light from the site of the ancient Falerio Picenus (nowadays part of Piane di Falerone). The first arrangement of the Falerone museum dates back to 1928 and was situated inside the Town Hall. The current exhibition, now in the premises of the former convent of San Francesco, goes back to1966.

The current graphic museum, covers a total space of approximately 100 m2., and is divided into three rooms with just one showcase and with the stone arte facts positioned on the ground, on the wall or on special pedestals. Taking also into account also the materials in the depots, the Falerone Museum has about three hundred pieces; of these, a small percentage is made up of ceramic material of pre-proto historic age, while the remainder of the collection all belongs to the Roman civilization. These are mainly inscribed gravestones, sculptures, architectural elements, tiles, amphora, mosaics etc. ... Almost all of the material preserved here is the property of the Municipality of Falerone and comes exclusively from the site of the ancient Falerio Picenus or from its ager, of which for the most part the remains of the theatre are visible.
Type: Archaeology

The museum is currently closed due to the earthquake happened in 2016.

Access for the disabled, guided tours, educational activies, conference hall, books on the Fermo area and places to visit.

Opening hours:
January: non-working days: 3:30 pm/6:30 pm
February/March: upon reservation
April/May: non-working days: 3:30 pm/6:30 pm
June: Sundays and non-working days: 4:00 pm/7:00 pm
July/August: Saturdays,Sundays and non-working days: 4:00 pm/7:00 pm
September: Sundays: 4:00 pm/7:00 pm
October/November: upon reservation
December: non-working days: 3:30 pm/6:30 pm

For infornation and reservations: Associazione Minerva, cell. 333 5816389 -

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Il “Coppu” di Montelparo

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