Terranostra Ascoli Piceno-Fermo Association

terranostraThe Association Terranostra Ascoli Piceno-Fermo, founded in 1998, is tied to, and shares the institutional aims of the Association Terranostra of a National character of derivation from the Coldiretti.

The Association Terranostra Ascoli Piceno-Fermo, founded in 1998, is tied to, and shares the institutional aims of the Association Terranostra of a National character of derivation from the Coldiretti.  The Association for agritourism, the environment and the territory, is non-profit making and it proposes to promote, support and propagate the practice of agritourism, the protection and the valorization of the natural resources of the rural world, besides improving the relationship between mankind and the environment, agriculture and tourism, agricultural producers and the end users, rural world and urban world.  The initiatives and the activities are therefore inspired towards the protection of the natural resources of the territory and towards the landscape and forestry patrimony, to the development of the accommodation potential of the agricultural companies, to the conservation and valorization of the rural building heritage, to the conservation of the specificity of the agro-alimentary products, to the conservation of the rural traditions and farming.

Number and category of members: n° 68 entrepreneurs of agritourism activities.


For more information contact:

Via Ragazzi del 99, 61/D
63900 Fermo

Tel.: 0736/253488
E-mail: ascolipiceno@coldiretti.it


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