UNPLI Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d'Italia - Comitato Provinciale Ascoli-Fermo

unpliThe Unpli is the association that all the Pro Loco refer to,  or rather the base associations which unite the protection and the safeguard of the local specificity  and are a great immaterial patrimony and a great resource for the Nation.

The Unpli is the association that all the Pro Loco refer to,  or rather the base associations which unite the protection and the safeguard of the local specificity  and are a great immaterial patrimony and a great resource for the Nation. Made up of passion, a longing of staying together, to organize events, research and study the local history and of maintaining the traditions, promote one own “campanile” in the whole of the larger Regional picture with its cultural and food & wine specialties, co-operating with the relevant Municipal Administrations, all within a banner of FREE VOLONTARY WORK.           

Number and category of members:   35 Pro Loco in the Province of Fermo; 58 in total in the two provinces of Ascoli and Fermo


Tel/Fax: 0734.687140
Web Site: www.unplimarche.info - www.prolocoinfesta.it

©2020 Marca Fermana Via Oberdan, 1, - 63822 Porto San Giorgio (FM)
tel. +39 0734/221621 - e-mail: segreteria@marcafermana.com

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